IUFoST stimulates the exchange of knowledge in the international food science and technology community through the annual review of the state of global food science and technology, textbooks, review papers, in its official journals and electronic magazines. IUFoST symposia and World Food Congress proceedings are published to provide rapid dissemination of latest focused and interdisciplinary scientific information to the international community. All these publications and communications vehicles are led by Fellows of the Academy, members of IUFoST Committees and/or members of the Scientific Council/Academy Executive Council/Governing Council. As part of its mission, IUFoST supports all forms of scientific and technical information and communication among members of the global food science community:
- Using Food Science and Technology to Improve Nutrition and Promote National Development: Selected Case Studies
- World of Food Science
- IUFoST’s newest official journal – npj Science of Food, co-published with Nature
- Trends in Food Science – IUFoST official journal
- Food Control – IUFoST official journal
- LWT – IUFoST Official journal
- Food 101 Online
- Books
- Proceedings from World Congresses
The Scientific Council oversees the production of proceedings from world congress to ensure there is scientific output and publications arising.
IUFoST World Congresses (World Food Congress)
The International Union of Food Science and Technology (IUFoST) supports programmes and projects to increase the safety and security of the world’s food supply. World Food Congresses are organised, every two years to stimulate the ongoing exchange of knowledge in those scientific disciplines and technologies relating to the expansion, improvement, distribution and conservation of the world’s food supply.
The Scientific Council is involved through monthly executive meetings together with the IUFoST President and Secretary-General with the Congress Chair and Congress Scientific Programme Chair and with meetings of the Scientific Council members and members of the Congress Organising Committee periodically. The Scientific Council chair reports on the congress to the Council, unless otherwise stated.The Scientific Council members have roles in the Scientific Advisory Committee of the Congress.
The role of the Scientific Council in all cases is advisory as the Congress Organising Committee, when the bid was accepted, was entrusted with the task developing the theme, preparing and executing the world congress on IUFoST’s behalf.
Learn more here.
IUFoST Governance
The IUFoST Scientific Council holds regular meetings monthly. The Chair of the Scientific Council attends IUFoST Board meetings but all Scientific Council members are encouraged to be involved in these meetings. The IUFoST World Congress meets every two years and it is considered most important for the members of the Scientific Council to play an active role up to and during the congress and at the General Assembly, according to the IUFoST programme for the meetings (separate from congress organization).
The Scientific Council Chair shall preside at meetings of the Scientific Council.
The Scientific Council Chair is a voting member of the Board of Directors.
Action may be taken by the Scientific Council by a majority of the members participating.
Learn more here.
Expert Resources
IUFoST represents scientific integrity as the authoritative global scientific voice of the world’s food science and technology community. Collaboration is a basic pillar of IUFoST’s mission, and to this end, IUFoST maintains committees, commissions, task forces and working groups and special interest/disciplinary groups.
Individual IUFoST members may be called upon to provide unbiased information and advice by assisting in committees, commissions, task forces and working groups that address research and policy objectives. Activities of these groups may include the preparation of position papers and offering of expert advice. Membership is based on the experience and expertise of the individual in regards to the issue under consideration. Members of these committees/ commissions/task forces and working groups are Academy Fellows/Adhering Body Representatives/Representatives from other international organisations with which IUFoST is working, Scientific Council/Academy Executive Council/Governing Council members.
These committees, commissions, task forces and working groups report periodically to the Scientific Council through the Board of Directors and through the IUFoST Annual and/ Term Reports and at the IUFoST General Assembly on outcomes of their activities.
Learn more about IUFoST Expert Resources here.