
IUFoST represents scientific integrity as the authoritative global scientific voice of the world’s food science and technology community. Collaboration is a basic pillar of IUFoST’s mission, and to this end, IUFoST maintains expert panels, committees, commissions, task forces and working groups and special interest/disciplinary groups.

Education Update:

University Recognition Application and updated Renewal process is now ready.  IUFoST Education Working Group 1.1 has initiated the new system, available through the IUFoST website here. We look forward to hearing from you.

Scientific Roundtable Discussions (SRDs): - Extraordinary series related to COVID 19 (summaries):

1. COVID-19 and Food Safety and its implications, Challenges and Solutions for the Food Industry - organized together with the Chinese Institute of Food Science and Technology in March 2020.   2. COVID-19 Crisis: Implications for Food Systems in Developing Economies (Focus on Africa) in April 2020. Partnering with the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and the Food Risk Analysis and Regulatory Excellence Platform (PARERA), IUFoST in May 2020 organised 3. Supporting the Resilience of the Food Production Sector and Limiting Food Supply Disruption During the COVID-19 Pandemic.   


Individual IUFoST members  may be called upon to provide unbiased information and advice by assisting in expert panels, committees, commissions, task forces and working groups that address research and policy objectives. Activities of these groups may include the  preparation of position papers and offering of expert advice.  Membership is based on the experience and expertise of the individual in regards to the issue under consideration.  Current and past expert panels, committees, commissions, task forces and working groups include

  • Distance Education
  • Education: Core Curricula and International Benchmarking
  • Education: Emerging Issues
  • Global Food Safety Curricula Initiative
  • Food and Nutrition Security
  • Aflatoxin Management
  • Emergency Food Systems
  • Food Safety
  • Fresh Produce
  • Ethical, Ethnic and Religious Foods
  • Food Chemistry
  • Young Scientists
  • Future Earth
  • Food Waste
  • Emerging Issues, Food Safety, Food and Nutrition Security
  • Global Visions

Regional Groupings of IUFoST  within the International Union of Food Science and Technology (IUFoST) form a pool of expert resource. The constituent bodies of a Regional Group make available regional food science and technology resources to the international community of food scientists and technologists through the global body of IUFoST. The objectives of these Regional Groups are those of the Union. The IUFoST General Assembly charters the Regional Group and gives it the special status of IUFoST Regional Group for the geographical area.

Regional Groupings of IUFoST (The European Federation of Food Science & Technology (EFFoST); The Federation of Institutes of Food Science & Technology of ASEAN (FIFSTA);  Western African Association of Food Science and Technology (WAAFoST); La Asociación Latinoamericana y del Caribe de Ciencia y Tecnología de Alimentos (ALACCTA) and such other regional groups as may be formed and approved by IUFoST from time to time) may be admitted to all activities open to the Adhering Bodies.

Special Interest/Disciplinary Groups  are external societies associated with a specific food science or technology issue which IUFoST maintains membership and affiliation. IUFoST supports and endorses their activities.

  • International Society of Food Engineering (ISFE).
  • International Symposium of Properties of Water (ISOPOW)
  • International Society of Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods (ISNFF)
  • International Society Food Applications Nanoscale Sciences (ISFANS)
  • Global Food Regulatory Science Society  (GFORSS)